Thursday, January 12, 2012

introductory paragraph post

Slums are place were people live when they cannot afford a good home. The slums live in very dirty place, live in dangerous place, and it could end up having health problem when big.  The slums are very dangerous place to live because they are not secure place to live. They also live in very crowed place.

thesis statement

thesis statement
Slums have a negative affect on human populations because of their poor health care, crowded living spaces,  and unsanitary streets.

Slums are place were people live when they cannot afford a good home. The slums live in very dirty place, live in dangerous place, and it could end up having health problem when big.  The slums are very dangerous place to live because they are not secure place to live. They also live in very crowed place.
         Slums live in place that do not have that much sanitary water for them to drink.  Slum dwellers have to drink water off the street. Slums dwellers cannot afford water so they drink off the street.    Slums dwellers can get really bad infection in there stomach.  Couse by the dirty water
         Slum dwellers do not have that much space where they sleep. The slum dwellers have to sleep on the floor the night are very cold and not warm. The slum dwellers do not have a big house were they could move freely.  The slum dwellers  live in a house that could very dangerous  that could Couse them there life.
         Slums dwellers could have really bad health with the entire problem that they have. They slum dwellers get really sick by eating trash of the street. So when they do they don’t have money to go to a doctor so the die. That slum dwellers are very not lucky.

         The conclusion of the paper is about the slum dwellers   a lot of problem. To handle they have a lot have to be careful were they live and there health  slums have a lot of thing to worry about.

research paper

Slums are place were people live when they cannot afford a good home. The slums live in very dirty place, live in dangerous place, and it could end up having health problem when big.  The slums are very dangerous place to live because they are not secure place to live. They also live in very crowed place.
         Slums live in place that do not have that much sanitary water for them to drink.  Slum dwellers have to drink water off the street. Slums dwellers cannot afford water so they drink off the street.    Slums dwellers can get really bad infection in there stomach.  Couse by the dirty water
         Slum dwellers do not have that much space where they sleep. The slum dwellers have to sleep on the floor the night are very cold and not warm. The slum dwellers do not have a big house were they could move freely.  The slum dwellers  live in a house that could very dangerous  that could Couse them there life.
         Slums dwellers could have really bad health with the entire problem that they have. They slum dwellers get really sick by eating trash of the street. So when they do they don’t have money to go to a doctor so the die. That slum dwellers are very not lucky.

         The conclusion of the paper is about the slum dwellers have   a lot of problem. To handle they have a lot have to be careful were they live and there health  slums have a lot of thing to worry about. The paper about slum dwellers and there life.

Friday, October 21, 2011

 a slum is a very poor people that cant afford money   and are very poor that cant even buy food for them self . the existence of the slums affect human population around world because the in habitat of the slums live in crowd , they drink dirty water and live in very dangerous places  they also live in crowed place
point 1 is that they drink very dirty water  they are not very unformatted people they had to drink very unformatted people they had to drink like toilet  water . they had to drink also like street water when  it rains. they could get like really sick some of then could have died. they also have a lot of people  and some of then died of illness. D. image living in a cord place.


IV.         Defendable Point #3
A.     a slum lives in a very crowd are that is not very  dangerous in the place they live.
B.      they live in this mountain and they are like compacted together.
                                     ii.    a phrase that we can put is that they  are very dirty people because they are poor and and need help service
C.    they live in like very crowded place  that could have been very dangerous and some of them like kind need there space and they something could happened to then in the place were they live
D. image living in a dangerous  place that u might think u might might die
V.         Conclusion
A.     the conclusion is  that the slums is that they might died because of the  condition they live in.
B.    the existence of the slums affect human population around world because the in habitat of the slums live in crowd , they drink dirty water and live in very dangerous places  they also live in crowed place
C.    that they need a better place to live in the state of live and they  drink like dirty water and live in crowed place.
D.     don't u feel kind of guilty when u have very then u complain 

I.         Introduction
A.     Hook
B.     Introduce to the reader to what a slum is
C.     Thesis statement
D.    Transition to first paragraph
II.         Defendable Point #1
A.     Main idea (Topic Sentence)
B.     Supporting evidence
                                      i.     Quote
                                     ii.     Paraphrase
C.     Explanation
D.    Transition sentence to the next paragraph
III.         Defendable Point #2
A.     Main idea (Topic Sentence)
B.     Supporting evidence
                                      i.     Quote
                                     ii.     Paraphrase
C.     Explanation
D.    Transition sentence to next paragraph
IV.         Defendable Point #3
A.     Main idea (Topic Sentence)
B.     Supporting evidence
                                      i.     Quote
                                     ii.     Paraphrase
C.     Explanation
D.    Transition sentence to conclusion paragraph
V.         Conclusion
A.     Hook
B.     Restate thesis
C.     Summarize arguments
D.    Leave the reader with something to think about